test post


Posted by matt on 12/25/05 at 7:18PM • linkcomment (0)


Hey we have a radio now!
http://www.mediafeast.com/ (right side..)

Posted by matt on 2/10/05 at 5:55PM • linkcomment (1)


For everyone running Firefox.. get the MOOX version from here:

(FYI, they just released 1.0)-- its optimized for different processors and actually manages to make Firefox run faster. :)

Posted by matt on 11/9/04 at 8:29AM • linkcomment (5)


Check out this spam I just received.. sticks out a bit from the other 99% of spam..

Edit: see my comment.. a bit too long for frontpage.

Posted by matt on 11/8/04 at 5:06PM • linkcomment (3)



Posted by matt on 10/11/04 at 12:24PM • linkcomment (1)

Settlers of Catan: Online :)

Read here..
wonder how it compares.. :)

Posted by matt on 10/11/04 at 12:23PM • linkcomment (1)


I'm currently moving everything off of the hosting server to a new one.. so, if you notice anything breaking, let me know..

One big tip.. for anyone using Eudora, it might at some point give you a big scary error when trying to check or send email.. you'll have to go into your personality for that, go to the bottom of both incoming and outgoing tabs and change the item "USE STARTTTLS IF AVAIABLE" to "NONE" or "NO" or something similar. That will fix that..

Posted by matt on 10/9/04 at 10:47AM • linkcomment (0)



Posted by matt on 8/31/04 at 10:21AM • linkcomment (2)


ok, how about these ideas for improving morecooler:
- somehow squeeze recent quotes into the ninja listing so they don't hide so much (and/or put a recent quotes box in the side there)
- replicate the quotes section and make this new one just for the nifty spam messages we get.. these things are getting really fun these days: "Re: strippers Vicdoin may make you drowsy" and such :)

Posted by matt on 8/20/04 at 8:53AM • linkcomment (2)

microsoft is funny

ok.. so my little critical update downloader thing is blinking at me.. click on it and it tells me it wants to install this update:

Critical Update for Windows
This item updates the Bookshelf Symbol 7 font included in some Microsoft products. The font has been found to contain unacceptable symbols. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.

WTF? Anyway.. fired up charmap.. its got some random accented characters, several Chinese characters, a few weird symbols, a Jewish star of David and a swastika (sp) :)


Posted by matt on 7/28/04 at 7:33AM • linkcomment (4)

Funny flash

Posted by matt on 7/20/04 at 8:06AM • linkcomment (1)

Music for Chris

Ok, here's the site I've been listening to:
In particular, the vocal trance section. Nice to keep on in the background..

Also been listening to stuff from Morcheeba..

Posted by matt on 7/19/04 at 3:57PM • linkcomment (1)


Saw this somewhere..

"Never argue with a crazy person. You will just make him (or her) crazier, and a third person observing your argument may be unable to tell who is whom."

Posted by matt on 6/25/04 at 1:27PM • linkcomment (1)

More weirdness..

We're on some weird site:
I guess they're selling some spam type software? Not sure why morecooler is in their links? I'm confused..

Posted by matt on 6/3/04 at 7:34PM • linkcomment (2)


I fly back from Dallas on Wednesday. In the elevator room at my apartment is a little notice from the apartment about the rash of car break-ins lately. Ok, fine. A little later we start to head out to dinner, and lo and behold, my passenger side window is bashed into a million pieces and my stereo is gone. Shit. The "individual" even yanked the piece of dash that the stereo is attached to.. ugh.. What I would give to bash this guy's head in.

Anyway, window's been replaced as of this morning.. luckily those guys vacuum glass too.. still looking for a dash piece, also looking at some loud-ass alarms. I want this guy's eardrums to shatter if he tries this again. Grr... some people..

Posted by matt on 4/8/04 at 12:51PM • linkcomment (4)

Oh the gullibility of people...

Posted by matt on 3/16/04 at 5:50AM • linkcomment (4)


Echo Echo echo echo ..

Posted by matt on 2/25/04 at 9:00AM • linkcomment (3)

Look, I'm expanding my vocabulary!

This one's just fucked up..
I've heard the FBI's track record on returning stuff in ok condition (and any time soon) is less than stellar..

Posted by matt on 2/20/04 at 6:59AM • linkcomment (1)

In other news..

Microsoft takes up Settlers of Catan..
And some dipshit in congress wants breathalizers in EVERY car to be used before starting and randomly while driving.

(Canada's looking better every day now..)

Posted by matt on 2/19/04 at 7:37AM • linkcomment (4)

RIAA vid

Posted by matt on 1/11/04 at 7:57AM • linkcomment (1)


Posted by matt on 1/3/04 at 9:32AM • linkcomment (1)

For all your wifi needs!

Posted by matt on 12/13/03 at 2:52PM • linkcomment (1)

Cool device.

One of the many devices that won't be coming here any time soon. :(

Posted by matt on 12/10/03 at 8:02PM • linkcomment (8)

new stuff

new box style works in all the plugins.. still needs to be on some of these inner pages (*ahem* bryce :)

also, i added a cheesy little shoutbox at the bottom of the menu. it doesn't like working in my IE (v6) but it works fine in Firebird. will figure it out later. :)

Posted by matt on 12/9/03 at 4:34PM • linkcomment (7)


Posted by matt on 12/9/03 at 8:42AM • linkcomment (2)

Random tip 'o the day

Instead of posting a link to a file in the file thingy, just say the file name... Direct URLs into there are publicly accessible (I really should put in place some better system), but for now, do not post full URLs to the file thingy files. Been having a hell of a time trying to figure out why this server is doing about 4Mb/s over what it normally does and I think I tracked it down to the moSMB3.wmv file (its URL is on several random sites and its been downloaded 16,000 times already..), so its been renamed and I've replaced it with a smaller file to make people go away. :)

Btw- if anyone has a funny WMV file that's smaller than 200k, lemme know and I'll put it up there. I like saving bandwidth, but I also like screwing with people when they click on the link to the file. :)

Posted by matt on 12/4/03 at 7:41PM • linkcomment (3)

Awefully quiet in here..

Posted by matt on 12/2/03 at 1:32PM • linkcomment (1)

Remember 3dfx?

Posted by matt on 11/24/03 at 5:54PM • linkcomment (1)


Posted by matt on 11/17/03 at 2:14PM • linkcomment (1)


I'm short four wisdom teeth at this point. Really sucks as one was impacted and took a god-awful amount of drilling and cracking sounds to pull that one out. Anyway, just posting for some sympathy. :)

Posted by matt on 11/17/03 at 1:53PM • linkcomment (4)


Posted by matt on 11/13/03 at 9:32AM • linkcomment (1)


Just picked up the GTA double pack for XBOX (shush.) This thing looks great.. more polygons, detailed textures, anti-aliased, and can play my own tunes. :) (And do the hi-res widescreen stuff (If I borrowed Brian's TV :) )


Oh and there appears to be some new cars too.. I didn't remember a little convertible in the Vice City before.. kinda nifty as he just hops on in. :)

Posted by matt on 11/8/03 at 7:34AM • linkcomment (3)




The Japanese have what could be called an "interesting" grammatical structure, but could also be called "confusing", "random", "bogus" or "evil". To truly understand this, let's examine the differences between Japanese and English grammar.

English Sentence:
Jane went to the school.

Same Sentence In Japanese:
School Jane To Went Monkey Apple Carbeurator.

Posted by matt on 11/4/03 at 8:49AM • linkcomment (2)


Fyi, BMG cd's for 6.99 straight off their site..
Every CD is 6.99 there.. 2cd sets are 13.98.. etc. no weird plan to sign up for or anything.
edit: oh, no shipping or handling.

Posted by matt on 10/22/03 at 6:35PM • linkcomment (2)

Weird watches

I ran across this site yesterday for some unknown reason.. I must say the Japanese do have some rather unique watches..


Also, Chris, they happen to have a $160 Citizen watch that has a slide rule :)


Posted by matt on 10/21/03 at 9:52AM • linkcomment (4)

Happy Birthday Chris!

Yo, if I recall correctly, the 15th is Chris' birthday, so have a good one.

As a side note, it is also my step-mother's b-day and my grandparents' anniversary-- one popular day. :)

Posted by matt on 10/15/03 at 9:58AM • linkcomment (13)


I'll be in Maui for a couple weeks or so starting yesterday. Just letting everyone know in case something's up. (Like Brian coming down, Coupling showing, Yellowstone blowing up, etc.)

Posted by matt on 10/8/03 at 9:21AM • linkcomment (7)

now that's a dvd box set..

Posted by matt on 9/27/03 at 6:09PM • linkcomment (0)


Got some pics of my miata here.. Unfortunately, I now realize just how bad my camera is indoors.. eeek it made some horrible shots.. guess its time for it to go to eBay..

Posted by matt on 9/26/03 at 2:13PM • linkcomment (9)

follow up

on that dude that got nailed by cal poly for putting up that poster..


Posted by matt on 9/26/03 at 7:47AM • linkcomment (3)

Two things..

Go get a philly at Quizno's. Its a damn good sandwitch..

also, bryce, you should sort the list of posts in reverse order in the login page so you can edit your most recent one more easily..

Posted by matt on 9/25/03 at 12:35PM • linkcomment (1)

What do you all think?

Maybe some color somewhere in there tho..


I'm thinking about makeing up some "pirate" tshirts for the hell of it. :)

Posted by matt on 9/25/03 at 9:30AM • linkcomment (10)

Movie Post

Ok, go watch a movie called "Donnie Darko." Its been on Cinemax lately.. don't read the imdb pages first. Just watch it. :)

Posted by matt on 9/21/03 at 7:39AM • linkcomment (1)


Check out the "riaa_advert.mpg" in the File Thingy. :)

Posted by matt on 9/17/03 at 2:59PM • linkcomment (1)

Free PC..

If you've purchased microsoft products or they have come with new computers between 95 and 01, you can get cash from microsoft or a free pc from Lindows..


Posted by matt on 9/17/03 at 6:50AM • linkcomment (2)


Toothy car

Posted by matt on 9/16/03 at 8:21AM • linkcomment (28)


"MoreCooler: Es ist mehr kühler mit dem Ding"

Posted by matt on 9/16/03 at 7:09AM • linkcomment (5)


so I added an address book to the menu.

Posted by matt on 9/15/03 at 4:16PM • linkcomment (2)


another half hour of my life gone forever..


Posted by matt on 9/14/03 at 1:22PM • linkcomment (3)

I want one

Posted by matt on 9/4/03 at 7:40AM • linkcomment (2)

forlop died (again)

Hrm.. so I come back from my trip and turn everything on last night.. and today I notice the connection doing weird things. I go look at forlop and its got IDE errors.. joy.. reboot and it says bad disk. good thing my files were on the 2nd drive.. so now I'm the proud owner of a Linksys router/hub/54g wireless doo-hickie.

Posted by matt on 8/29/03 at 1:50PM • linkcomment (6)

Ok.. board stuff

Ok, I just ran through the board real quick and here's simplified view:

c->w 613.47
s->w 170.52
C->M 525.75
c->s 353.1
m->w 106.11
S->M 70.41

This goes through the board proggy and we get this:

c->m 490.05
c->w 890.10
c->s 112.17

I'd appreciate it if someone else could also run through it to make sure I got it right.

FYI, I'm up in Yellowstone now.. going to be here for a week or so.. so no broadband :( and no cell phone :(

Posted by matt on 8/21/03 at 6:12PM • linkcomment (11)

Final house bill..

(I think)

Anyway, the last water bill is $88.48 (5/27-7/31)

That's the last of my bills. Not sure what else is left before we can simplify that massive list..

Posted by matt on 8/15/03 at 1:22PM • linkcomment (3)


Yo. Bryce and I just finished off Halo (all thanks to my excellent driving skillz :) .. one helluva tough game, but pretty damn cool. Oh, btw, I have an xbox.

Posted by matt on 8/14/03 at 10:25PM • linkcomment (7)

Hey, Chris..

Posted by matt on 8/9/03 at 2:40PM • linkcomment (4)

Referer logs are fun..

Posted by matt on 8/8/03 at 11:21PM • linkcomment (6)


Posted by matt on 8/5/03 at 8:35PM • linkcomment (5)

"File Thingy"

Ok, I've added a cheap file uploader thing to the menu on the right there ("File Thingy.") You can upload files in there and also download them. (And delete them when the get old.)

I don't suggest posting links straight to the file in posts or comments as those are public viewable whereas the File Thingy is only viewable if you are logged in. (But the file download links themselves aren't protected directly.. hey, I did say "cheap!")

So have at it. I've put up the maestro thing just to make sure it works..

Posted by matt on 7/18/03 at 7:18AM • linkcomment (12)

Its more cooler with the engine.

Got my truck back today.. runs great! The injection pump wasn't needed as the diesel tech didn't plug the old one in all the way, so that's cool.. saved $1,600 there.. (ugh..) Anyway, the thing runs great and much cooler too.. popped the hood and it looks like the turbo charger is missing on top of the engine.. nope, the new engines just have it off to the side which keeps the engine and turbo nice and cool.. The hood wasn't even warm after driving back here (a rarity before.) Still looks odd under the hood as it looks like its missing some major part or two from what it looked like before. *shrug* Newer is better. :)

So anyway, the truck is back in commission and that engine should last forever.. (it damn well better.. :)

Posted by matt on 7/17/03 at 5:19PM • linkcomment (3)

Some things are funny..

News story link

In other news, my car's getting its fuel injector pump replaced also (costing more, of course..) which is the same damn thing replaced 3 yrs ago when I got it.. argh..

Bryce, you need some way of making this thing hack long URL's so they don't stick out the side or something. :)

Posted by matt on 7/16/03 at 3:23PM • linkcomment (6)

Housing stuff

Ok, I've called up the water co and having them stop it sometime on the 31st. They're sending the bill to my mailbox so that's cool. For the cable, we just need to run the equipment down to their office and pay the bill at that time to finish it off.

Posted by matt on 7/16/03 at 10:11AM • linkcomment (4)

I think God's trying to tell me something..

Posted by matt on 7/15/03 at 10:44AM • linkcomment (8)


Posted by matt on 7/14/03 at 2:53PM • linkcomment (4)

Housing stuff

Ok, Martin talked to Walt today regarding the house and stuff. We've got a number of some carpet cleaners.. We're leaving the washer and dryer for the next tenants (OK'd by Walt.) And he's going to have someone clean up the backyard for $100 from our security deposit (Ok by me unless someone actually wants to do the cleaning? :)

Anyway, I'm moving everything of mine out on the 24th and it sounds like Martin is doing the same on the weekend following. We're going to be getting rid of the following this week and next: couch, loveseat, coffee table, my desk, bunk-beds, dresser and Martin's desk. If anyone wants these, have at them.

Walt's going to have people come in on the 1st if possible, so we obviously need everything out by then and have the carpet cleaning done by then too. I think we're going to have to have someone here when they do that.

Posted by matt on 7/14/03 at 12:46PM • linkcomment (6)

I'd like to point out..

..that Martin did what I was given a lot of flack over near Cugini's. You know that sign that says right turn only and I thought it meant I couldn't turn left down at Broad? Well.. so did Martin so he went left (the wrong way) down the street. ;)

See, its not just me!! :)

Posted by matt on 7/14/03 at 8:03AM • linkcomment (6)

Bryce: Suggestion

For morecooler.. once logged in, it would be nifty to have some sort of generic plug-in design so I can write stuff that you can use once logged in. Maybe create a "plugins" folder and look for all the php files in there to add to the screen you get once logged in (or menu on side) then when clicked, call a set function "exec_plugin" or something in that plugin php file and pass it the username/id or something..

My big thing is I want to write a file upload system so we can put files here (hell, maybe tie it in with forlop :) But I don't want to mess with your stuff on the site and you already have some session management and authentication stuff in place..

Posted by matt on 7/12/03 at 10:55AM • linkcomment (2)


Fyi, for everyone on vhub that hasn't had the spam filtered the last week.. seems plesk turned it off for me when the last restore was done.. anyway, fixed now.

Posted by matt on 7/12/03 at 8:06AM • linkcomment (1)


Posted by matt on 7/11/03 at 7:23AM • linkcomment (1)


Spaced Out - The Very Best of Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner


Posted by matt on 7/10/03 at 8:52AM • linkcomment (3)


Posted by matt on 7/8/03 at 6:58PM • linkcomment (1)

Car Go Boom Boom

Well.. The Matt-Mobile decided to stop working on my way back up to SLO on Monday. Turns out the engine has totally locked up, so I'm (*gasp*) without car for at least a week and half while a new engine (*cough* 9-grand *cough*) gets to be installed.. Guess nothing else can break now. :( Anyway, trucks down in Santa Barbara as it died about 30 mins north of there and they are the biggest dealership in the area..

Just driving along until some rattling started under the hood.. then it got louder within the mile, so as I pull onto the shoulder, the car dies (with a big bang and lots of black smoke), along with the power steering and breaks.. so I get out and notice the coolant leaking all over the road.. and I notice my cell phone has "No Service" in the middle-of-nowhere that I was at. Luckily some friendly folk saw the smoke and stopped behind me so I could call up AAA. Long story short, stayed at Brian's last night and got a call today regarding the damange.. never quite had that much to worry about before. It sucks as just buying another sub would be about the same amount, so might as well fix this one and get the new engine with its 3-yr warranty. And its going to take at least a week and half to fix it up.. Yup, fun week so far..

Posted by matt on 7/8/03 at 12:52PM • linkcomment (12)

Hey Bryce..

You need something like this script here..


Posted by matt on 7/3/03 at 8:50AM • linkcomment (2)

Fun stuff.

In Google Home Page (www.google.com), type in the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" and hit the <I'm feeling lucky> option.

Posted by matt on 7/3/03 at 6:30AM • linkcomment (3)

More Cal Poly BS..

Posted by matt on 7/1/03 at 4:57AM • linkcomment (2)


I crashed MoreCooler! (and the whole dang server..) hehehe. Oh, btw, this is just a test to make sure things work.. uh-huh. yep.

Posted by matt on 6/30/03 at 6:17PM • linkcomment (3)


wanna see if this works.... ;)

Posted by matt on 6/6/03 at 2:12PM • linkcomment (0)


Yo, pic day. My brother and my plane:

(definately more cooler with the thing.)
(also more cooler with the thing.)

Posted by matt on 6/3/03 at 7:37PM • linkcomment (6)


Bryce-- I've a suggestion for the front page here.. It'd be really nifty if you could hilite the entries that are new since you last looked at it.. Gotta be someway to use a cookie one way or another.. Could even be all client-side with a javascript-set/read cookie or something.. just a thought.

Posted by matt on 6/3/03 at 7:03PM • linkcomment (0)


Bryce, this is the motherboard I was talking about.. Its pretty (red).

Posted by matt on 6/3/03 at 8:57AM • linkcomment (0)


Lets just say I haven't gone out of my way to check on Martin this evening. ;)

Hey Bryce- you need to make some sort of "reply" link or a quickie link at the top of the morecooler page if you're logged in.. or something.. dunno.. seems kind of odd to reply to something on the front page by clicking log-in, then add, then type..

Posted by matt on 6/1/03 at 10:21PM • linkcomment (0)


So why's everyone else get a link to their site on the front page but little 'ole trouble-maker me?

- = ~ = - v h u b - = ~ = -

Posted by matt on 6/1/03 at 9:44PM • linkcomment (0)


This is a Test!

(yeah, I like breaking things.. )

Posted by matt on 6/1/03 at 4:59PM • linkcomment (0)


The sad thing is that I broke it enough so that I can't even edit that post anymore ;)

Posted by matt on 6/1/03 at 4:50PM • linkcomment (0)

(no title)


Posted by matt on 6/1/03 at 3:29PM • linkcomment (0)

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