Links for martin
100 Interactive Flash Movies
Short. Yellow. Different. OK, not yellow.
Funny movie. Neat special effects.
8th grade test from 1895
Wow... We've gotten awfully stupid in the last century.
Acme Catalog
The Acme catalog, fine makers of Roadrunner-killing devices.
Anonymous Message Server
Leave a message in exchange for an anonymous message. Fun!
Ascii Matrix
Just one scene, but wow.
ASCII Stereogram Generator
I didn't believe. Then I saw it. I'm still not sure I believe it. 8-o
Audio to Movies
Audio to several movies in a small flash window. Yes, the ENTIRE movies. Really cool while you're working.
Baby Ink
If there's a god, this creepy place is just a front for a child protective services enforcement bureau.
Bathroom Survey
Informative. Tasty.
Possibly the most interesting menu system I've ever seen.
Bush Lies
A blog for Bush lies. At some point, stuff like this ain't even political; how much does he have to suck before even the Republicans disown his sorry ass?
Classic Gaming Media
Commercials and other cool videogame media. The Flash stuff is pretty good.
Colin is Sorry
On behalf of all Canadians, Colin Mochrie is sorry.
Filler Bunny #1
A nice, wholesome webpage with nice, wholesome scans of a nice, wholesome comic depicting the events surrounding a nice, wholesome bunny.
Four Word Film Review
Site Reviews With! Damn.
Girls Are Pretty
A very fucked-up blog, written in the 2nd person. At least, I THINK that's what this is; I'm too afraid to read more. All I know is, I'm staying the HELL away from everyone named Mark.
Hitler vs. Stalin Comic
No, I'm not kidding. Yes, they have superpowers.
Hollywood Is Calling
Act now! Just $19.95 for the most memorably awkward 30 seconds of your life!
Holy Mother of God
...if these suckers get opposable thumbs, it's all over!
How It Is On Earth
Cartoon. Ist funny, ja?
Human Video Beatbox
About 30 seconds to a minute of fun.
Kung-fu Remixer
More fun than the originals... At least, more fun than OUR shitty DVDs of the originals.
LEGO Rubik-solver
A robot built with LEGO mindstorms that solves Rubik's cubes using optical recognition. Whoah, I say, W-H-O-A-H.
Lookalike site
Funny. Sad. You choose.
Mastering Unreal
60+ hours of video tutorials for Unreal Tournament editing. Freakin' awesome. Even if you're not real big on mod'ing, it's fascinating to watch.
More Special Numbers
Wow, did you know that (1/2)! == sqrt(pi)/2? I sure didn't. Mmmmmmm. Pi.
Funny Pavlovian (sp?) cartoons.
Real Gundam
Wow, I wish I read Japanese. Wonder if this thing works?
Ruin their picnic!
Mindless teddy-baear fun.
Sony ad that's creepy yet fascinating
Sony ad that's creepy yet... Am I repeating myself?
Space Ghost Kid
Parody of... You'll figure it out. Make sure to watch it 'till the bitter end.
Spy Stuff
For all you Bond wannabees... like me.
Star Wars Names Origins
The origins of many character names in the SW universe.
Christ on a cracker, that's taking Cosplay to a new level. (BitTorrent)
BitTorrent site. It's for Matt. But you can look at it too, sugarcake.
Sweet, sweet revenge
"It makes things clear; I know exactly what I have to do." "Yea, what?"
Tallest Buildings in the World
Graphical representation of the tallest skyscrapers in the world. Personally, I don't think the spires on top should count...
The 118118 Experience
The first video is really funny. The rest are assumedly funny. Heh, heh... I said "ass medley."
The Cat with Hands
Scary as hell. Good, though.
The Tribe
Award-Winning Animation. Not really sure what kind of award, though...
They Came to Attack Us!
Short film. Funny. Surprisingly advanced special effects, actually.
Transcript of Architect-Neo Conversation
Pretty good transcript (with commentary) from what I remember of the movie. Haven't read it all yet, but at least SOMEONE caught the insinuation that the Oracle was NOT the "Mother" of the Matrix.
Weird Dance
Japanese are weird. Japanese kids are weird and small.
What's Special About This Number?
List of numbers and their interesting properties.
World Beard & Mustache Championships
Wow. I wonder if Norelco sponsers these?
A Matrix-esque Drempels clone.