Random tip 'o the day

Instead of posting a link to a file in the file thingy, just say the file name... Direct URLs into there are publicly accessible (I really should put in place some better system), but for now, do not post full URLs to the file thingy files. Been having a hell of a time trying to figure out why this server is doing about 4Mb/s over what it normally does and I think I tracked it down to the moSMB3.wmv file (its URL is on several random sites and its been downloaded 16,000 times already..), so its been renamed and I've replaced it with a smaller file to make people go away. :)

Btw- if anyone has a funny WMV file that's smaller than 200k, lemme know and I'll put it up there. I like saving bandwidth, but I also like screwing with people when they click on the link to the file. :)

Posted by matt on 12/4/03 at 7:41PM


Oooops... Sorry...

I guess we're NOT a mirror. ^_^;;;

Wow, 16,000!? And I posted it without proper props for the original creator; *gasp* I'm a video game plagiarist!

Posted by martin on 12/5/03 at 7:17AM

yeah, well, not for that much

4mb is a bit over the bandwidth for this server and I'm not paying for extras at the end of the month. :)

Posted by matt on 12/5/03 at 8:55AM

You're mean.



Posted by bryce on 12/5/03 at 9:10AM

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