Clever, very clever.

While I'm usually an opponent of any copy protection scheme, and I'm sure this will quite quickly be undone, it's still just clever enough to be admirable.

Posted by martin on 10/9/03 at 10:37AM • linkcomment (2)

All Catholics Need to Curl Up Into Tiny Balls and Die

Vatican: Condoms Don't Stop AIDS

This is immoral on so many levels it's hard to comprehend that this crackhouse is supposed to be some sort of moral compass for millions of people. I guess maybe they had lots of eight year old boys in their congregations with the AIDS, and just assumed...

As for my title there, I'm trying to see what sort of referrer searches I can lead here. Just to, y'know, get a different crowd in here. ^_^

Posted by martin on 10/9/03 at 6:41AM • linkcomment (3)

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