
One of the side effects of doing the polyglot thing with the titles:

The website title - "MoreCooler: Č pių pių fresco con la cosa" - makes it look like a French website. ^_^

BTW, like that whois site. Especially the method of entering your search:

Posted by martin on 10/14/03 at 9:31PM • linkcomment (2)

Maniac Mansion

Chris- Thanks so much! This is awsome!!!!! Oh yeah, this is andrea typing...question there sound? I'm not getting sound for the game on my computer and how do you save?
You are fantastic! Now I am going to spend all my free time on this game....and I thought I outgrew that :)

Posted by sean on 10/14/03 at 8:00PM • linkcomment (4)

We should rename Morecooler

"All-Martin, all the time."

Do I just have more free time than everyone else?

Posted by martin on 10/14/03 at 1:19PM • linkcomment (5)

Off-color but hilarious

Not worksafe, not PC, and more than a little disturbing. But absolutely hilarious. These sorts of "revenge" stories usually end with the guy getting the short end of the stick; good to see another side. ^_^

Supposedly based on actual events, too.

Posted by martin on 10/14/03 at 12:26PM • linkcomment (0)

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