Pardon my dust
I'm going to make some changes to the site's HTML markup, which will most likely cause some weird styling stuff to happen until I'm done and get to make the changes to the CSS files. It should remain readable, at least. =)
comment edit
maybe this should be under the bugs/features post, but I'm putting it on its own:
what the heck is with the "make brian look crazy" checkbox????
and why doesn't editing a comment convert line breaks to <br>?
Best Spam Title Ever
"Re: that problem with your ears"
Received this morning. Message was empty, which was greatly disappointing. Note that SpamAssassin doesn't thing this is Spam; I think I'll forgive this one.
Bryce went to install Norton on my computer. Then everything went a little hooey. My add/remove program options are simply gone. There's nothing in the box. He was like, "Well, that's not good..." We planned on doing a full wipe of my computer within the next week and just sorta shrugged.
Then I opened Outlook. See the comments for what happened -- I took a fun screenshot.