Good Movie Alert
Just rented Equilibrium. Very good flick. Imagine an arthouse flick with occasional action sequences that, despite a lesser budget, make the Matrix look like amateur night at the O.K.Corral, and you've got this movie.
I highly recommend it; although it takes itself too seriously at times, the action is hands-down more impressive - and, thanks to the gun-kata, more original - than anything I've ever seen in a movie. And it's fairly plot-hole free, which is a plus in sci fi these days.
I highly recommend it; although it takes itself too seriously at times, the action is hands-down more impressive - and, thanks to the gun-kata, more original - than anything I've ever seen in a movie. And it's fairly plot-hole free, which is a plus in sci fi these days.
Posted by martin on 10/16/03 at 6:35PM