Holy Fucking God

Ahunuld. We elected Ahnuld.

I'm leaving. No, I'm serious, I'm leaving California when I graduate. That its citizens held similar political beliefs to myself was the only thing the state had going for it, in my mind; I'm gone. Hand me a diploma, you crappy underfunded administration-happy state university, and kiss my ass so long.

Posted by martin on 10/7/03 at 9:52PM


Where to go?

I'm with you but where to go? Outside of the Netherlands good luck finding liberals in power.

Posted by sean on 10/7/03 at 9:57PM


Ahunuld will be on that diploma you're getting.

Posted by sean on 10/7/03 at 9:58PM


Canada, maybe? Europe? One of those countries that told Bush to go sit on his thumb when he asked for help in the war?

Posted by martin on 10/7/03 at 9:58PM


Oh, crap. Well, actually, that's kind of funny. I could sell it on E-bay for a bundle.

Posted by martin on 10/7/03 at 9:59PM


Finally a Cal Poly Degree being put to use.

Posted by sean on 10/7/03 at 9:59PM


Martin, you're supposed to come down to San Diego and have fun with us after you graduate!

Posted by kim on 10/7/03 at 10:34PM

San Diego

Yeah, come down here. We're just a few miles north of Cruz Bustamante's main constituents!

But yeah, this election was a joke. I must give credit to The Governator. His platform was genius: "Elect me, I've been in movies. My career recovered from Jingle All The Way, so I can help the state recover too." He doesn't seem to actually have any policy ideas. Sure, he's only a figurehead, but that's all the more frightening to me. The same thing was said about Bush, and the nation has gone straight to hell. Blame Davis all you want, but the problem goes way before him. Pete Wilson screwed up our school systems by lowering class sizes to 20 children, and this has not been proven to benefit students. In a recent paper, University of Rochester economist Eric Hanushek looked at 277 studies into the effects of class size, and only 15% showed a clear positive relationship, and 13% showed a negative relationship. Check out this column from the Sacramento Bee for more about the state's "myths". This recall is just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. You want to fix the economy? We need to talk to Dubya about that.

Martin, Canada is lovely this time of year. ;-)

Posted by bryce on 10/7/03 at 11:07PM


But everyone knows how hard it is to get into Canada these days. :)

Besides, after all the money spent and time wasted, we had to elect someone else.. otherwise it would have been a complete waste of time and resources. (Mind you, I didn't vote and could really care less who is up there.. if that car tax raise goes back down or state income taxes go down, I'll be happy. If they go up, well, I might follow Martin. :)

Posted by matt on 10/8/03 at 9:19AM

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