The Board

The following is the board as we left it. Chris, please check my numbers. Note: Please don't pay anybody yet, or bother simplifying it; not all bills have arrived yet, and we've yet to get back any of our deposit (Chris, Walt should be sending that to you in SF). The stuff for the house cleanup is at the bottom, in the bills.

Key: Chris=C, Martin=W, Matt=M, Sean=S, J=Jeff, Y=Bryce, H=Josh

C->W: $ 76.00
S->W: $ 4.00
M->C: $ 67.00
C->M: $163.39
S->C: $ 17.85
W->M: $ 2.00
J->C: $ 12.00
Y->W: $ 28.00
J->W: $ 4.00
Y->C: $ 25.00
S->M: $ 12.00
Y->M: $146.50
H->C: $ 23.00

Power: $221.62
$ 41.03
Water: $ 86.76
$ 88.48 (Final)
Cable: $147.32
$ 5.09 (Paid by Chris - final bill)
Gas: $ 15.54
$ 19.32
$ 10.95 (final bill)
Phone: $ 44.72 (final bill)
Trash: $ 44.20

Maid: $175.00 (Took longer than she estimated)
Carpet: $154.00 (Cheapest price I could find)

Please let me know if there are any inconsistencies.

Posted by martin on 8/4/03 at 1:46PM


my bills

phone: 44.72 (final bill)
garbage: 44.20

Posted by sean on 8/4/03 at 3:16PM


Martin, where was the final cable bill being sent to? And I'm still waiting on the water bill.. but that should come in the next week or two as they supposedly read the meter on the 31st and I've got to have that bill forwarded from my SLO box..

Posted by matt on 8/4/03 at 7:56PM


Martin and I didn't know your addres, so, since even Martin didn't know his own address, I get the bill.

Posted by chris on 8/4/03 at 8:34PM

What the...?

I thought I got removed from that board and I only owed Matt (who I already paid).

Posted by jeff on 8/5/03 at 8:26AM


So that explains it..

Posted by matt on 8/5/03 at 9:35AM


I got the last cable bill, $156.20. But with the credit it comes to a wopping $5.09. And one more thing, why is Bryce "Y"?

Posted by chris on 8/6/03 at 4:07PM


Heh, well, on the original board, all the Bryce entries were very carefully labelled "By" or "Bry" to avoid confusion with Brian. I guess I didn't notice that Brian was no longer on the board, and therefore no longer a danger of confusion.

Posted by martin on 8/6/03 at 10:26PM


Because we like me. ;-)

Posted by bryce on 8/6/03 at 11:00PM


On the cable bill, put $10 of that as mine.. that's for the extra bandwidth boost I ordered up.

Posted by matt on 8/7/03 at 7:40AM


nevermind. I can't read today.

Posted by matt on 8/7/03 at 8:12AM


I used "yet" three times in the same sentence up there. Gosh.

Posted by martin on 8/10/03 at 9:32AM

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