
Posted by matt on 8/31/04 at 10:21AM • linkcomment (2)


Yay! Blackout on August, whats my prize?

This is the first month that we have a post on every day. The closest we ever came before was February.

Posted by chris on 8/31/04 at 5:06AM • linkcomment (4)


Robot Dogs don't like eating Frozen Ducks. Not so much, no.

Posted by chris on 8/30/04 at 6:35AM • linkcomment (5)

World of Warcraft

Not that it is that big a deal, but I got in to the stress test. It will be just me... and about 8 bajillion other people. But YAY I will get to play the beta... really, really slowly... and for only a week. I am still happy.

Posted by chris on 8/30/04 at 5:34AM • linkcomment (3)

Ninja clear

Well, I DON'T want the first few minutes of SH4 spoiled, and I'd like to be able to use the Ninja again. So...

Posted by martin on 8/29/04 at 6:49PM • linkcomment (11)

Silent Hill 4

Anyone who doesn't want the first 3 - 5 minutes of the game spoiled, don't read the comment. It isn't that much of a spoiler, but I figured I should say this anyway.

Edit: By the way, of course I am not playing the game two weeks before it comes out. That would be impossible.

Posted by chris on 8/28/04 at 9:16PM • linkcomment (3)

Bryce's annual Cowboy Mouth visit

It's that time of year again! I'm coming up to see Cowboy Mouth in San Francisco and visit my family (yes, in that order :-P ). Cowboy Mouth is playing at Slim's on Friday, Sept 17th. The show is at 9pm, and tickets are $20 bucks. I may even be able to swing a couple free tickets, so if anyone is interested, let me know. Kim and I are coming up on the 17th, and then we're going up to Chico on Saturday to see where my siblings live (and possibly to melt, since Chico is about 15 miles east of Hell). Kim is flying home on the 20th, so Cowboy Mouth may be your only chance to see her!

I'll be kicking around Redwood City until Sunday, the 26th, so I can definitely get together to do something with y'all (yes, Jeff, that means you too (speaking of Jeff, do you still have the Paul Sanchez CD I left in your boombox when we moved? If so, I want it back)). Anyway, definitely let me know about Cowboy Mouth if you're interested, and we can figure out plans to do something as it gets closer.

Posted by bryce on 8/27/04 at 2:50PM • linkcomment (4)


New jaw grown on man's back

I had no idea doctors could do this now. Simply amazing.

Posted by martin on 8/27/04 at 12:04AM • linkcomment (1)

Words you can spell in hex

Do you all remember when we came up with all those words you could fill out on a scantron using a,b,c,d,e. Well I find myself needing to spell words in hex meaning you get an extra letter f. Can you all help me spell things other than dead beef. Words that fall on 32, 16, and 8 bit boundries work the best. ie 8 letter, 4 letter, 2 letter words. If necesarry numbers can work too. 4 a bad dad, etc.

Posted by sean on 8/26/04 at 8:26PM • linkcomment (4)


I told myself that I would not read up on this new Grand Theaft I told myself that I would not read up on this new Grand Theft Auto before it came out. I liked it how I didn’t even really know about Vice City till I saw it in Best Buy. Anyway, it didn’t last, and I have now read all I could. Of all the new and exciting features being added to the third third GTA, I think the best would have to be the ability to swim. No longer dying on contact with water is a great ability for a character to have. You would think the other ones – who lived on islands I might add – would have picked up this incredible skill.

Posted by chris on 8/25/04 at 4:53PM • linkcomment (1)

for more rejections

If they ask for your phone number instead of an email you can give them a fake. rejection line.

Posted by sean on 8/24/04 at 6:59PM • linkcomment (3)

Ren & Stimpy

I just found all of this great show. Did you know that the guy who does the voice of Fry and Farnsworth from Futurama did Stimpy as well? He even did Zim once, Martin. I will put the files in the thingy if anyone is interested.

Posted by chris on 8/23/04 at 4:10PM • linkcomment (3)


Edit: Wow, I just went on and on. If you don't care about my ravings, just ignore this.

Re-Edit: Um, without the post, this looks like the ravings of a drug addict. I meant the game, not analgesics.

Posted by chris on 8/22/04 at 5:15PM • linkcomment (4)

Rejection made easy.

Hee! The news just did a story on http://www.papernapkin.net. It's my new favorite site. Too bad I'm not thin or pretty, so I don't get asked out by random people.

For a treat, check out the source code on the page with the letter.

Posted by kim on 8/20/04 at 10:22PM • linkcomment (1)


ok, how about these ideas for improving morecooler:
- somehow squeeze recent quotes into the ninja listing so they don't hide so much (and/or put a recent quotes box in the side there)
- replicate the quotes section and make this new one just for the nifty spam messages we get.. these things are getting really fun these days: "Re: strippers Vicdoin may make you drowsy" and such :)

Posted by matt on 8/20/04 at 8:53AM • linkcomment (2)

My guess

is that Matt already knows about this.

Edit: I was right...

Serves me right for using a newspaper.

Posted by chris on 8/20/04 at 5:10AM • linkcomment (2)


I was watching some of the Olympic fencing, and the editing is quite funny. They just cut to the touches. So a match lasts about 10 seconds, just touch -snip- touch -snip- touch. Wish I could do that.

Posted by chris on 8/19/04 at 4:07PM • linkcomment (2)

My money is on Ash.

Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash This is a pairing I would never have imagined.... I hope it works out.

Posted by bryce on 8/18/04 at 7:23AM • linkcomment (4)

Spam Spam Spam

When are we going to get the comment protection?

Posted by chris on 8/17/04 at 4:18PM • linkcomment (0)

Girls Are Pretty

Posted the link in my links before, by never really sat down to read it through. I have no idea what's going on here, but it ENTHRALLS me.

Posted by martin on 8/16/04 at 2:34PM • linkcomment (36)

For those of you with Doom 3

Posted by martin on 8/15/04 at 10:13PM • linkcomment (5)


Wow, someone actually made a game where the chief mechanic is throwing a baseball at your television. Sure there is an elastic strap, but would you trust that?

Posted by chris on 8/15/04 at 6:18PM • linkcomment (1)

Help! Mom! There Are Idiots Writing Books!

This has to be the dumbest thing I've seen in a while: "Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed! A Small Lesson in Conservatism"
"Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed! A Small Lesson in Conservatism" is a wonderful way to teach young children the valuable lessons of conservatism. In simple text, parents and children follow Tommy and Lou on their quest to earn money for a swing set their parents cannot afford. As their dream gets stuck in Liberaland, Tommy and Lou’s lemonade stand is hit with many obstacles.

Liberals keep appearing from behind their lemon tree, taking half of their money in taxes, forbidding them to hang a picture of Jesus atop their stand, and making them give broccoli with each glass sold.

Law after law instituted by the press-hungry liberals finally results in the liberals taking over Tommy and Lou’s stand and offering sour lemonade at astronomical prices to the customers.
My favorite is the part where the Conservatives show up and tell Tommy and Lou they can't have a lemonade stand because a business partnership is defined as being between one man and one woman... okay, maybe that's something else.

Posted by bryce on 8/14/04 at 8:10AM • linkcomment (2)


It's fRiDaY tHe tH1R733|\|74 !

Posted by chris on 8/13/04 at 6:17PM • linkcomment (0)

Crimson Land

This is a fun game from the people who brought you Starscape. For all of you not Sean, Starscape was that fun game with the space ships shooting aliens and asteroids to get resources and move on the RTS map. Any way, I put the demo in the thingy, or you can get it here.

Edit: As I look again, I don't think Moonpod has anything to do with Crimson Land. Nevermind. Still a cool game though.

Posted by chris on 8/12/04 at 6:21PM • linkcomment (1)

How Convenient!

Load a map in Doom 3 using the "devmap" command instead of "map" to enter development mode.

Then type the command "crash" in the console.

What did you THINK would happen!?

Posted by martin on 8/10/04 at 10:35PM • linkcomment (2)


This is probably the single stupidest or smartest thing I have ever seen. I don’t know which. It was on Slashdot today, maybe you saw it?

Posted by chris on 8/10/04 at 3:44PM • linkcomment (1)

Hitchhiker’s Guide

I am reading The Salmon of Doubt now, and it mentioned a text-based Infocom game of Hitchhiker’s Guide. I had never heard of this, so I went and found it (requires WinFrotz). It is interesting, if not completely impossible. Anyone who can beat it without looking to a walkthrough has my respect. Heck, just finishing the thing; I think I just ran out of patience.

Posted by chris on 8/9/04 at 5:10PM • linkcomment (2)


Would it be possible to put up an archive for the shoutbox. There have been some, albeit rare, really funny moments of... well... shouting that some of us may wish to relive.

Posted by chris on 8/8/04 at 6:47PM • linkcomment (0)

Family Guy

Wow, I think this show wins the award for being canceled more than any other. They are bringing it back again... again. Just to show that there were no hard feelings that last few times, they are showing the best episodes -- episodes which got the show canceled I might add -- in mini-marathons. Goes to show what really high DVD sales can do.

Posted by chris on 8/7/04 at 8:26PM • linkcomment (2)

Doom 3 review.

I think this review is pretty funny. Don't read it if you don't want some minor spoilers.

I did enjoy the game, but I must admit that it is only as good as you let it be. If you want to be scared by it, it will scare you. But you could also just as easily walk through the game without jumping once.

I put the full text in the first comment. I must say, this is The Biggest Comment Ever-ver-ver-ver.

Posted by chris on 8/6/04 at 1:06PM • linkcomment (8)

Funny, but disturbing

You should check out this funny roll-playing game. Better yet, check out his hate mail. Look to the thingy.

Posted by chris on 8/5/04 at 6:28PM • linkcomment (0)

Radiohead Flash Vid

Posted by martin on 8/4/04 at 10:37AM • linkcomment (0)


I don't know how long this[jibjab.com] will be on their front page, but see it while you can.

Or check out the jibjab file in the thingy.

Posted by chris on 8/4/04 at 7:42AM • linkcomment (2)

Peasant's Quest

I got 133 points, what about you? Here.

Posted by chris on 8/3/04 at 10:09AM • linkcomment (4)

Stop Spam

I finally figured out how to stop my spam. I just noticed that my spam isn’t addressed to me. I guess I always knew this, but I realized that none of my spam is to my address and all the email I do care about is to me. This simple filter has removed 99% of my unwanted email. Just thought I would mention it.

Posted by chris on 8/2/04 at 9:42PM • linkcomment (2)


One-panel comics inspired by Spam

Looks like there are more added daily - yay!

Posted by martin on 8/1/04 at 4:28PM • linkcomment (0)

Serenity panel.

I uploaded two clips from the Serenity panel at the Comic-Con to the thingy. There were more, but 1) these are the funniest, and 2) the others' sound quality was so bad that it was hard to tell what they were saying -- and I was there the first time around, so I should know. They're about 7 mb each.

Posted by kim on 8/1/04 at 8:33AM • linkcomment (0)

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