Silent Hill 4

Anyone who doesn't want the first 3 - 5 minutes of the game spoiled, don't read the comment. It isn't that much of a spoiler, but I figured I should say this anyway.

Edit: By the way, of course I am not playing the game two weeks before it comes out. That would be impossible.

Posted by chris on 8/28/04 at 9:16PM


Spoiler ?

This game was going to be really cool. It is set in an apartment that is haunted. The whole game should take place in just about four rooms. The game starts great, really creepy. About five minutes in, the wisk you away from "the room" for standard Silent Hill levels. Not that it isn't fun, scary and interesting. Just a little disapointing.

Posted by chris on 8/30/04 at 5:15AM

Just finished it

Just finished the game. I enjoyed it overall, though I still consider 2 to be the best of the series.

Posted the awesome theme music in the thingy, incidentally. I highly recommend it.


(I'd hide these, but I think everyone here who is going to play it has played it already)

I was really disappointed when they took the safehouse away from me. I didn't like taking damage just trying to save, though once I figured out the candle/pendant thing it got to be less of a pain. Of course, in retrospect, the demon I had the most problems with (the crying babies over the inventory box) turned out to be my own fault - stupid doll, stupid Walter!

That, and I found having to return to all the levels again quite annoying, particularly with that slow Maria-wannabe in tow. And a dual-pistol Walter just ain't fair...

Of course, nothing compares to the outright hilarity of the burping monsters. Particularly on stairs!

One thing that's kinda neat that I didn't figure out: ALL the ghosts are unique individuals. I knew that the major ghosts where single entities, but it turns out you could stake any of 'em and never see that one again, because the lesser ghosts were merely earlier kills in the sequence.

Here's a full, official list of all 21 victims. Note that victims 7 and 8, the young Locane siblings, are the 2-headed baby monsters, though why there are so many of them I don't know.

Posted by martin on 9/16/04 at 2:06PM

I just stopped

playing it at the "they take away your safe house thing." I did stop the spirits, so it wasn't actually killing me, but, the whole time I was playing the game I could hear your (Martin's) voice telling me: "Don't walk all the way back to the portal, just use your life potions, you have tons..." Any way, I ran out, I have no way of getting my life back, and then I got into the WoW beta, Burnout 3.... haven't gone back. So, with that in mind, maybe you should have hid this....

Posted by chris on 9/20/04 at 9:58AM

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