I feel like a turncoat

I like artsy movies, I like cerebral plots, I like Bill Murray, and I like Japanese culture. But I found the critical lauded _Lost in Translation_, which I just rented, boring and devoid of plot with subpar humor spaced too far apart to save it. What's wrong with me?

Posted by martin on 2/19/04 at 2:33PM • linkcomment (7)

In other news..

Microsoft takes up Settlers of Catan..
And some dipshit in congress wants breathalizers in EVERY car to be used before starting and randomly while driving.

(Canada's looking better every day now..)

Posted by matt on 2/19/04 at 7:37AM • linkcomment (4)


Posted by kim on 2/19/04 at 7:33AM • linkcomment (2)

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