Ok, this is weird

I know how almost any search will eventualy turn up porn, but the other way around? Look at our most recent referals? Whats going on here? Do one of you have something stored here the rest of us should know about?

Posted by chris on 5/1/04 at 6:50PM


Figured it out..

Its because some people "spam" sites by using referers that don't exist (ie, they're URL) so people looking thru their web logs see it and click on it. In our case, referers show up under the menu so we can laugh at them.. so the pages linked to how the referer "allinternal.biz" or some such.. making us get caught by google. Its actually interesting that we probably get more hits because of this.. we need to start selling something on morecooler :)

Posted by matt on 5/2/04 at 6:36AM

huh? from the girl constituents...

.. or am I speaking for myself? I have no idea what you just said Matt.

Posted by jua on 5/2/04 at 9:19AM

To summarize:

The "recent referrers" section on the lower right tracks where people come from; i.e. if they clicked on morecooler using a yahoo search, it'll show up there. However, we're seeing porn sites there now, NOT because these sites link to morecooler but because amateur hackers have configured their browsers to lie about where they came from as a form of advertising.

Posted by martin on 5/4/04 at 9:00PM

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