The McGurk Effect

This is the coolest thing since that misspelled sentence that you could still read I posted awhile ago. Follow these instructions very carefully to get the full effect:

- Get the file "" from the thingy. It's tiny, like 300k. I'll not be posting the link since we're still getting hit so hard for that mario vid. ^_^ Oh, and get Quicktime if you don't have a way to handle MOV.

- Play the video, watching it very carefully. Do not look away from the vid. What is the man saying? If you had to write it down, what syllable would that be? Play it several times and decide what it is.

- Now, play it again, only this time look away or close your eyes. NOW what syllable is he saying?

(more in the reply, but DO THE ABOVE BEFORE READING FURTHER)

Posted by martin on 4/24/04 at 7:49AM



Most people hear GA or DA when they look at it, but hear a very distinct BA (what is really being said) when they look away. The illusion is caused by our natural affinity for lip reading; they've attached BA audio to a video of a man saying GA.

I got the vid from here:

More info on this topic:

Another video demonstration:

Posted by martin on 4/24/04 at 7:53AM

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