
Just got an e-mail requesting permission to translate the mod I did for Morrowind ("Cult of the Clouds") into French. It's already been translated into Russian about a year ago. Neat to see my work getting around the globe.

Posted by martin on 3/30/04 at 3:49PM



Translate this from Russian to English with the Fish. It seems these native Russian speakers are arguing that I, a native ENGLISH speaker, have misnamed my mod; it should, they claim, be "The Cult of Clouds". ^_^

Posted by martin on 3/30/04 at 3:58PM


You should totaly respond.

Funny thing is, the Russian site translated to english from babel fish doesn't sound to different from the english message boards I read.

Posted by chris on 3/31/04 at 4:58AM

My favorite babelfish translation from that page:

"Here is pancake... "

Posted by martin on 3/31/04 at 5:38AM

My Fame Spreads....

If I recall correctly... Cloudgatherer was one of the main characters of that mod. Soon, the whole world will have heard the name Cloudgatherer, muwahaha! (or not)

Posted by jeff on 4/2/04 at 7:36AM


I think Cloudgatherer was the head of the guild. I'll let you know if I find out what that translates to in Russian. ^_^

Posted by martin on 4/7/04 at 2:00PM

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