Rejection made easy.

Hee! The news just did a story on It's my new favorite site. Too bad I'm not thin or pretty, so I don't get asked out by random people.

For a treat, check out the source code on the page with the letter.

Posted by kim on 8/20/04 at 10:22PM • linkcomment (1)


ok, how about these ideas for improving morecooler:
- somehow squeeze recent quotes into the ninja listing so they don't hide so much (and/or put a recent quotes box in the side there)
- replicate the quotes section and make this new one just for the nifty spam messages we get.. these things are getting really fun these days: "Re: strippers Vicdoin may make you drowsy" and such :)

Posted by matt on 8/20/04 at 8:53AM • linkcomment (2)

My guess

is that Matt already knows about this.

Edit: I was right...

Serves me right for using a newspaper.

Posted by chris on 8/20/04 at 5:10AM • linkcomment (2)

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