Costume are cool, but religious propoganda is awful!

One of the kids had this thing with the headline "Costumes are cool, but Heaven is awesome!" among all the candy. Why didn't they give this out when I was a kid?! If I had known Heaven had more candy than Halloween, I'd have so been there! Instead, I signed a Book of Mormon. I hope Hell at least has some Pop Tarts.

Posted by bryce on 11/1/03 at 10:37PM • linkcomment (5)

LOTR meets ST

I've uploaded one MOV file to rule them all to the file thingy, titled I believe we've discussed this before, but the video is new to me, at least. It proves, of course, either one of two things: a) there is no God, or b) God has a sense of humor like me.

Posted by martin on 11/1/03 at 9:06PM • linkcomment (3)

Liquid War

This is an awesome little game that looks very simple at first, yet actually involves a lot of strategy. You and your "liquid" army have to fight off the opponents by surrounding them. It's small, fun, multiplayer and hard for me to describe. So just try it out, OK?

Oh, and remember those XiaoXiao stick figure movies? Well, the next one is not quite as passive....

Posted by chris on 11/1/03 at 7:35AM • linkcomment (2)

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